Channel memberships!

Support our future projects by joining as our channel member! Three tiers available! The prices shown here are in Euros, but by clicking Join-button you should see the price in your currency

Lite (1,99 €)

- WIPs, further progress updates, exclusive sneak peeks and soundtracks (just tracks that we've composed) of our fanmade content

- Other fanmade bonus videos

- Loyality badges

- Custom emojs

- Your name mentioned in description and/or at the end of the video

Primo (4,99 €)

- Benefits of Lite-tier

- WIPs, further progress updates, exclusive sneak peeks and soundtracks of our original content, such as upcoming Guyus shortfilms

- Other original bonus videos

- Early access on some of our original works

WOWDY! (9,99 €)

- Guyus's further explorations on Second Life
